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The exam material can be renewed, and therefore should not be taken as a stereotyped and restrictive structure, but as a flexible and lively accompaniment on the long path of our martial art.

The curriculum of Bujinkan Banbutsu Ruten Dojo Hellas is described in the two published editions of Bujinkan Banbutsu Ruten Dojo Hellas, "Ninjutsu Basic Training Program" and "Ninjutsu Advanced Training Program", both available at the Dojo.

Material content

The exam material is structured according to the following three levels of education of Ninjutsu / Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu.

SHU (basic training, ie 9th - 8th - 7th Kyu)

At this level the student imitates the techniques he sees from his teacher without yet understanding them in depth. He mostly tries to practice the kinesiology and test his patience. This level corresponds to his principles Of Sky (Ten Ryaku No Maki).

HA (middle education, ie 6th - 5th - 4th Kyu)

The student begins to understand why techniques are done the way they are and starts to combine the various individual techniques into a complete unit. He widens his horizon with new techniques. The level corresponds with the principles Of Earth (Chi Ryaku No Maki).

RI (higher education, ie 3rd - 2nd - 1st Kyu)

The student develops an awareness of his opponent's possible actions and can increasingly adapting and using his knowledge to actual conflict situations. This level corresponds to the principles of Human (Jin Ryaku No Maki).

The next level is four DAN degrees, during the training of which the student perfects his knowledge and goes deeper into armed combat and the peculiarities of different schools (9 Bujinkan Ryu).

Exams take place two to three times a year. The exact dates are agreed and determined based on the progress and participation of the students in the lessons. Trainers are responsible for the preparation of the participants. Every student should strive in the examination to obtain that grade which he really deserves and which corresponds to his level of ability. Teacher has the right to deviate from the examined material, if this is the way to form a better opinion about the examined student and fairly judge him. The purpose of the exams is the awareness that the student acquires, about the performance he can have under conditions of pressure and stress, the evaluation by him and clearly the satisfaction after a worthy attendance. By taking a look at the teaching material, described in the two editions of Bujinkan Banbutsu Ruten Dojo Hellas, "Ninjutsu Basic Training Program" and "Ninjutsu Advanced Training Program", becomes clear that the examined material can only be indicative as it includes representative techniques from each field and leisure.

H ύλη των Kyu και Dan παραδίδεται στους μαθητές κατά την διάρκεια των μαθημάτων και με βάση αυτή διαμορφώνεται ένα μέρος του ετήσιου προγράμματος εκπαίδευσης.

Στην εξέταση του Godan 5.Dan o μαθητής λαμβάνει μέρος στην διαδικασία Sakki Test (Godan Test) το οποίο πραγματοποιείται από τον Dai Shihan Φίλιππο Ματζηρίδη. Από το 6.Dan έως το 9.Dan, οι υψηλόβαθμοι μαθητές μας - εκπαιδευτές της σχολής μας, καλούνται να παρουσιάσουν συγκεκριμένα κεφάλαια μέσα από την ύλη των 9 Bujinkan Ryu. Η ύλη αυτή καθορίζεται απο τον διευθύνον της σχολής Shihan Δημήτρη Κωνσταντίνου κai την επίβλεψη του Dai Shihan Φίλιππου Ματζηρίδη.

The material of Kyu and Dan is delivered to the students during the lessons and, based on this, a part of the annual training program is formed.

In the Godan 5.Dan exam, the student takes part in the Sakki Test (Godan Test) process which is carried out by Dai Shihan Philipp Matsiridis. From 6.Dan to 9.Dan, our high ranking students - instructors of our school, are asked to present specific chapters through the material of the 9 Bujinkan Ryu. This material is determined by the director of the school, Shihan Dimitris Konstantinou and the supervision of Dai Shihan Philipp Matsiridis.

Shihan title is given in 10.Dan. The grade system in Bujinkan is completed at 15.Dan.

How can I become a trainer?

You firstly need to possess the Sandan-Yondan degrees (3rd - 4th Dan), have a constant presence in the club's classes and seminars and participate as a teacher's assistant in the training program of the classes (children and adults), of Bujinkan Banbutsu Ruten Dojo Hellas. The goal is to specialize, gain experience, strengthen relationships by cultivating team spirit and last but not least developing empathy and pedagogy in order to become a certified Bujinkan instructor. In this process the future instructor receives the title of Shidoshi Ho. After completing this process, he proceeds to the 5.Dan exam (Sakki Test) and if he succeeds, he obtains the title of Shidoshi and we can now say that he can officially teach, either at the central school or at their own school. As an association we are always at the side of our members, who have chosen to become Ninjutsu instructors, helping them if they want to proceed with starting their own Ninjutsu school or department in partner Dojos.

Promotion criteria

The criteria based on which students are graded are seven:

  1. Chishiki (知識) Knowledge
    Does he know the technique and how it is performed?
  2. Kamae (構) Stance
    Does he stand properly and naturally?
  3. Kuzushi (崩) Balance
    Does he control his body during his movement?
    Can he thus control and break the opponent's?
  4. Maai (間合) Distance
    Does he keep proper distances while performing the technique?
  5. Nagare (流) Flow
    Does he flow from one movement to another, without interruptions?
  6. Kiketsu (帰結) Result
    Do his actions (hits, locks, throws, etc.) bring the desired result?
  7. Kiai (気合) (metaphorically: Mirror of inner state)

Note: Criterion is considered for shodan and above.

Observations and advice to examinees

The examinee must demonstrate all the techniques required from both opening stance (Kumi Uchi, holds) and attack (Tsuki, Keri, multiple attacks). The examinee must demonstrate a complete technique, no matter how simple it may be. The same thing applies to immobilizations (Osaekomi). It is good for the examinee to show them by finishing with these locks (Kansetsu Waza), releases (Hodokis) or throws (Nage Waza) of the degree being examined. In Dan exams, the examinee may be asked to demonstrate techniques with eyes closed or hands tied etc. Also, from the RI level and above, and of course in Dan, the examinees may be asked to do Randori (controlled but without any guards). Self-defense and the application of techniques is a key requirement in the examination of an advanced student at Bujinkan Banbutsu Ruten Dojo Hellas.

At Bujinkan Banbutsu Ruten Dojo Hellas, our students take an exam when they are already ready for their next two grades!

Kyu and Dan grades and degrees in Bujinkan Banbutsu Ruten Dojo Hellas, are issued only by Bujinkan Hombu Dojo Japan and bear the seal of our association, thus maintaining the high standard and absolute respect for the authenticity and traditions of BUJINKAN martial arts, the way they are handed down to us by the founder of Bujinkan, Soke Hatsumi. It should be noted that the students of the school are not obliged to follow the system of grades and exams. Through their training in the material of Bujinkan Banbutsu Ruten Dojo Hellas they can comfortably participate in the process. Our material is an education system!!!

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© Bujinkan Banbutsu Ruten Dojo Hellas 2024